Physical Environment Standing Committee Responsibilities

The Physical Environment Committee is responsible for studying, monitoring and making recommendations related to overall campus planning, safety, and the use and assignment of university space, physical facilities and equipment in collaboration with staff, contract professionals and faculty in appropriate departments. These recommendations shall be forwarded to the University Council for consideration.

Committee Members

*UC Members

Members Constituent Groups
Steven Myers, Appointed Administrator Administrator
Marilia Antunez, Chair* Faculty Senate
Lisa Sabol, Vice Chair Professional Staff Advisory Committee
Becky Handley, Secretary Staff Employee Advisory Committee
Eric Brisker Chairs/School Directors
Craig Menzemer Deans
Malik Elbuluk Faculty Senate
Prat Madishetty Naidu Graduate Student Government
Aimee Trunko Graduate Student Government
Olivia Lane Undergraduate Student Government
Kylie Cameron Undergraduate Student Government
TBD Staff Employee Advisory Committee
Melissa Olson Professional Staff Advisory Committee