Campus Wellness Standing Committee Responsibilities

The Recreation and Wellness Committee is responsible for studying, monitoring and making recommendations on strategies and policies regarding intercollegiate athletic and recreational sports and wellness issues in collaboration with staff, contract professionals and faculty in appropriate departments. The recommendations shall be forwarded to the University Council for consideration.  

Committee Members

* UC Members

Members Constituent Groups
Nick Weber, Appointed Administrator Administrator
Kristine Kraft, Chair* Faculty Senate
Judy Juvancic-Heltzel, Vice Chair Chairs/School Directors
TBD, Secretary  
Eric Smith Faculty Senate
Erin Lieggett Professional Staff Advisory Committee
TBD Professional Staff Advisory Committee
Fedearia Nicholson-Sweval Deans
Adara Turek Graduate Student Government
Jessica Sparks Graduate Student Government
Leslie Kallenborn Staff Employee Advisory Committee
TBD Staff Employee Advisory Committee
A.J. Ruffin-Stcyr Undergraduate Student Government
Sarvesh Sudhaharan Undergraduate Student Government