Talent Development and Human Resources Standing Committee Responsibilities

The Talent Development and Human Resources Committee is responsible for studying, monitoring and making recommendations on the development of all university policies and practices relating to inclusive excellence and to the wellbeing of employees of the university, subject to existing contractual agreements, in collaboration with staff, contract professionals and faculty in appropriate departments (issues of wellbeing would include but are not limited to fringe benefits, insurance, employee performance, recreation and wellness and other aspects of working conditions).  These recommendations shall be forwarded to the University Council for consideration. 

Committee Members

* UC Members

Members Constituent Groups
Sarah Kelly, Appointed Administrator Administrator
TBD, Chair
TBD, Vice Chair
TBD, Secretary
Erin Makarius Chairs/School Directors
Jeanette Berger Professional Staff Advisory Committee
Sharon Crawford Professional Staff Advisory Committee
TBD Deans
Stephanie Davis-Dieringer Faculty Senate
Asoke Dey Faculty Senate
Megan Frey Graduate Student Government
TBD Graduate Student Government
Becky Handley Staff Employee Advisory Committee
Ashley Cosgrave Staff Employee Advisory Committee
Julianna Muller Undergraduate Student Government
Ashley Cosgrave Undergraduate Student Government