Akron Law news archive


The March/April issue of Ohio Lawyer magazine has a story on Professor Geoffrey Hazard's lecture held this past November at Akron Law. Electronic text is not available.
Nancy Rogers to Speak at Akron Law on April 23
Akron, Ohio, April 13, 2009 - Professor Nancy Rogers from the Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University will visit The University of Akron School of Law on Thursday, April 23 at 4 p.m. as part of the Joseph G. Miller and William C. Becker Center for Professional Responsibility Speaker Series. The lecture, which is free and open to the public, will take place at Akron Law, 150 University Ave., Room 152. A reception will immediately follow.
April 6, 2009
Jane Moriarty has accepted an offer to participate in a written symposium at the University of Utah on The New National Academy of Sciences Forensic Science Report. Jane has also been invited to join the planning board and speak at a conference at Cardozo Law School in the fall on wrongful convictions and Prosecutorial and Defense Attorney Accountability. Tracy Thomas was invited to guest blog about her research and work on women's legal history and Elizabeth Cady Stanton on the International Law Girls site. See
March 30, 2009
Rich Lavoie has accepted an offer from the Pace Law Review to publish his article, Flying Above the Law and Under the Radar: Instilling a Taxpaying Ethos in Those Playing by Their Own Rules. Meg Matejkovic has published What is Reasonable Accommodation under the ADA? 28 Miss. C. L. Rev. 67 (2009)(with John E. Matejkovic). Dick Aynes has submitted three articles for publication. See Ink Blot or Not: The Meaning of Privileges and/or Immunities, 11 Univ. Penn. J. of Constitutional Law (forthcoming 2009); The 39th Congress (1865-1867) and The Fourteenth Amendment: Some Preliminary Perspectives, 42 AKRON L. REV. ___ (forthcoming 2009); Enforcing the Bill of Rights Against the States: The History and the Future, 18 J. CONTEMPORARY LEGAL ISSUES ____ (San Diego) (forthcoming 2009). In addition, he has been commissioned to write an article for the Ohio History journal entitled Kate Chase's influence upon Chief Justice Chase and his dissent in Bradwell v. Illinois. Carolyn Dessin will present "Sneaking Skills and Professionalism into Every Course, Every Discussion, Every Day," at the June 2009 Gonzaga Institute for Law Teaching conference. Dick Aynes will present two papers the annual Law & Society meeting which will take place in Denver, Colorado in May. One is on the privileges or immunities clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and one is on the leadership role that John Bingham played in the proposal and adoption of the Fourteen Amendment.
Trademark Expert to Speak at Akron Law on April 6
Akron, Ohio, March 27, 2009 - Professor Graeme Dinwoodie from Chicago-Kent College of Law will visit The University of Akron School of Law on Monday, April 6 at 5 p.m. as part of the annual Albert and Vern Oldham Intellectual Property Law lecture series. The lecture, which is free and open to the public, will take place at the UA School of Law, 150 University Ave., Room 151. A reception will immediately follow.
Akron Law's diversity initiative is highlighted in National Jurist magazine. Text is available here.

The March issue of Inside Business magazine has a "Players: Movers and Shakers of Northeast Ohio" item on Bill Jordan's appointment to the position of Associate Dean. Electronic text is not available.
March 23, 2009
Stephen Padfield has accepted an offer to publish his latest work, Finding State Action When Corporations Govern, in the Temple Law Review. Will Huhn has published an essay Lincoln Was a Framer of the Constitution with Slip Opinions, the online companion to the Washington University Law Review. See Elizabeth Reillywill edit a collection of papers from the Fall 2008 Constitutional Law Symposium, The 140th Anniversary of the 14th Amendment, that will be published by the University of Akron Press. Brant Lee will present his book in progress, "Whiteness as a Spontaneous, Self-organized Complex System" at the CRT 20 conference in Iowa on April 4, and on a panel at the Law and Society Annual Meeting in Denver on May 29. He presented an early version of the work at Pace Law School in February. Brant Lee's article, The Network Economic Effects of Whiteness," 53 Am. Univ. L. Rev. 1259 (2004), was posted as a resource on the Racial Equity Tools website, which launched 3/9/2009.
March 22
Professor J. Dean Carro is quoted in an Akron Beacon Journal story on a local gambling case that is available here.
March 20
Akron Legal News ran a front-page feature story on the IP Symposium. Electronic text is not available.
March 13
Professor Stephen Cook's participation in the Artist as an Entrepreneur Institute was featured on a local arts blog, BuzzBuzzDesigns. Electronic text is not available.

Total results: 636