Akron Law news archive


Akron Law to Sponsor The Fourteenth Amendment: 140th Anniversary Symposium
Akron, Ohio, Oct. 6, 2008 - Academic experts from across the country will gather at The University of Akron School of Law for The Fourteenth Amendment: The 140th Anniversary Symposium on Oct. 23 and 24 at The University of Akron School of Law.
October 6, 2008
Rich Lavoie and Bill Jordan have posted new abstracts on SSRN and the Akron Research Paper Series. Stefan Padfield has joined as a blogger on Akron Law Café highlighting issues of business and the economy. Tracy Thomas has agreed to serve as chair and commentator for a legal history panel at the Oio Academy of History meeting to be held at the University of Akron in Spring 2009.  
Oct. 1
Law professor J. Dean Carro is quoted in an Akron Beacon Journal story on an appeal by a man sentenced to 16 years in prison. The text for this story is available here.
October 2008
Professor Jane Campbell Moriarty and the Neuroscience, Law and Government Symposium were featured in Oct. 4 - 10, 2008 issue of NewScientist magazine. Electronic text is not available.   Akron Law was mentioned twice in the October 2008 issue of The National Jurist. The School was listed as #7 in a list of Top 50 law schools that give away the most money in terms of grants and scholarships per tuition. The IP LL.M. program was also listed in the magazine's Ultimate Guide to LL.M. Programs. Copies of The National Jurist are available in the student lounge.   Dean Martin H. Belsky was quoted in a story titled "Law Professors from Ohio schools detail the challenges of teaching law in the 21st Century" in the Sept/Oct issue of Ohio Lawyer. Electronic text is not available.
September 29, 2008
Kalyani Robbins has accepted an offer from the UCLA Environmental Law Review to publish her article, Strength in Numbers: Setting Quantitative Criteria For Listing Species Under The Endangered Species Act. Bill Jordan has accepted an offer from the Administrative Law Review to publish his article, Chevron Deference and Hearing Rights: An Unintended Assault on the Legitimacy of Agency Adjudicatory Decisions. The Neuroscience, Law and Government Symposium chaired by Jane Moriarty was featured on the front page of Sunday's Cleveland Plain Dealer. See  
September 22, 2008
Carolyn Dessin has agreed to update her 2003 chapter on Durable Powers of Attorney for the Ohio Elder Law Deskbook.
September 15, 2008
Carrie Lyons will be speaking at the conference Looking Past Guantanamo: Are New Concepts Needed for Terrorist-Related Detentions? on September 19, 2008, at American University Washington College of Law. Sarah Cravens will present her work-in-progress, "Judging Judges: Regulation of Judicial Misconduct in Common-Law Countries," at the University of Maryland. Stefan Padfield will present his most recent work-in-progress at Roger Williams School of Law, in addition to two other presentations at Samford University and the Central States Annual Meeting. Tracy Thomas, with David Levine and David Jung, published the electronic 2008 Summer Supplement to the text, Remedies: Public and Private (4th ed. West). Jane Moriarty will present her paper, Neuroimages of Deception: Evaluating Reliability for Daubert to Guantanamo, at the upcoming Neuroscience, Law and Government conference sponsored by Akron Law. Elizabeth Reilly will moderate a panel at the Neuroscience, Law and Government symposium sponsored by Akron Law on "Neuroscience, Gender and Capital Cases." Dick Aynes will be presenting a talk on the work of the 39th Congress at the Constitutional Law Symposium hosted by Akron Law in October. Tracy Thomas accepted an invitation to present her work-in-progress, Law as an Agent of Feminist Consciousness at the University of Toledo School of Law.  
September 8, 2008
Carrie Lyons as been reappointed by the ABA President to serve on the ABA Standing Committee on Law & National Security Advisory Committee. Membership is by invitation only, and this is the second year Carrie has served on the committee. Will Huhn has an offer to publish his online constitutional law casebook with Carolina Academic Press. Dick Aynes has been invited to participate in the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy's conference on the Reconstruction Amendments and the Second Founding at the University of Pennsylvania Law School in November. He will be speaking on a panel on the Privileges or Immunities Clause and papers will be published in the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law. Dean Belsky and Will Huhn will participate in the panel, "The Constitution, Religion and the Presidential Election: An Interactive Discussion" as part of the University's Constitution Day programming, on Wed., Sept. 17, at 4pm in the UA Student Union Ballroom B.
September 2, 2008
Jane Moriarty has published Symposium Forward: Daubert, Innocence, and the Future of Forensic Science, 43 Tulsa L.Rev. 229 (2007). She also published Rape, Affirmative Consent to Sex, and Sexual Autonomy: Introduction to the Symposium, 41 Akron L. Rev. 839 (2008) for the symposium she arranged to be published in the Akron Law Review stemming from her presentation at the Law & Society meeting in Berlin. Tracy Thomas published The New Face of Women's Legal History: Introduction to the Symposium, 41 Akron L. Rev. 695 (2008) introducing the symposium issue arising out of the women's legal history conference held at Akron in Fall 2007. Bernadette Genetin will present her paper, State E-Discovery: Another Federal Rule Improvement Project, at the Litigation Section meeting at the AALS Annual Meeting in San Diego. Dick Aynes agreed to present a paper at the 14th Amendment Conference at the University of San Diego in January 2009. Elizabeth Reilly will present her paper Empathy and Pragmatism in Selecting Constitutional Norms for Resolving Religious Land Use Disputes speaking at the Religion and Land Use Conference of the Government Law Center of Albany Law School in October. Stefan Padfield will present his paper Finding State Action When Corporations Govern at the 2008 Central States Association of Law Schools Conference on October 24 and 25 at Southern Illinois University. He will also give a talk at the faculty workshop program at Samford Law School in Birmingham. Brant Lee will present a works-in-progress at a Pace Law School faculty workshop and at the NE Ohio Faculty Colloquium in October at CSU. Will Huhn will present a works-in-progress at Pace Law School.  
August 25, 2008
Faculty Awards for Outstanding Scholarship were announced at the Celebration of Scholarship, April 29. The awards, determined by peer vote, went to Sam Baumgartner and Sarah Cravens for the junior faculty award, and to Jane Moriarty and Stewart Moritz for the senior faculty.

Jack Sahl published Thinking about Leaving? The Ethics of Departing One Firm for Another in 19 Prof. Law. 2 (2008).

Brant Lee published Book Review, Thomas J. Davis, Race Relations in America: A Reference Guide with Primary Documents, 26 Law & History Rev. 467 (2008)

Will Huhn published Waterboarding is Illegal in Slip Opinions, the online companion to the Washington University Law Review.

Dick Aynes has published an entry on Judge Leo A. Jackson for Oxford's African American National Biography.

Tracy Thomas published Sex v. Race, Again in Slip Opinions, the online companion to the Washington University Law Review.

Sam Baumgartner
was a discussant on a panel, “Transnational Litigation as a Response to Global Problems: Promises and Perils” at the Law and Society Conference, in Montreal, Canada, in June.

Jane Moriarty presented at the AALS Evidence Section conference held in Cleveland in June.

The Akron Law Café went online this summer. See The prof bloggers so far are Will Huhn, Brant Lee, and Stewart Moritz, and guest bloggers have included Dick Aynes, Bill Jordan, Frank Quirk and Tracy Thomas. The blog has quickly become one of the top blogs for the Akron Beacon Journal.

Sarah Cravens accepted an invitation to join as a contributing blogger on the Legal Ethics Forum"  

Total results: 636