Honors Program in Psychology

The Honors program in Psychology is designed to allow exceptional undergraduate students an opportunity to work intensively with a faculty member in conducting a research project.

Honors is excellent preparation for research in graduate school and it is likely to be helpful in the graduate admission process, too. To initiate the process, Psychology Honors students consult with a faculty advisor, choose a research area, and read the research literature pertaining to that area. The project can begin at any step in the students' undergraduate program, but must be started before their senior year. The project usually takes at least two semesters to complete. In the first semester a research proposal is written and the actual research is begun. In the second semester, data collection is completed, data are analyzed, and a final paper is written by the student in collaboration with their advisor. Honors students interact with their faculty advisors, and often graduate students, as well, as they conduct their research.


Honors projects require a substantial time commitment. Therefore, students considering Honors should schedule as much of their Psychology course work as possible in the sophomore and junior years. Professional and Career Issues, Quantitative Methods, and Introduction to Experimental Psychology should be completed before applying for Honors; all must be completed by the end of the Spring semester prior to beginning summer Honors work. As many as possible of the following should be taken before beginning the senior year: Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Processes, Biopsychology, Social Psychology, Dynamics of Personality, and Tests and Measures. By completing the required course work early, students have the background needed for Honors. 

Admission Requirements

An interest in and a commitment to research, a strong academic record (especially in research-oriented classes), and a solid background in Psychology are necessary for admission to Honors. 

Admission Process

Early in your undergraduate undertakings, but usually during the junior year, an application is completed and submitted to Dr. Kevin Kaut, our Honors Faculty Advisor. Included are course grades, a description of the student's research experience and interests, and a brief summary of career goals. A brief letter of recommendation from a faculty member is welcome but optional. The Undergraduate Committee and the Honors coordinator work together to place appropriate students with the resources necessary to complete their projects. 

For further information, please contact the Honors Faculty Advisor, Dr. Kevin Kaut.