Admission Procedure

To apply to the graduate programs in psychology you must apply online at the University of Akron Graduate School. Please note that we are not able to receive applications via email. 

In addition to the online application, the following are required:

  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement
  • Official GRE scores
  • Transcripts

Please send these application materials directly to the Graduate School.

Application Deadline

Deadlines for all application materials to be on file in the Graduate School office are as follows:

Industrial/Organizational Programs: December 15, 2024

The graduate school recommends that applications be submitted 6 weeks prior to the department deadline for domestic applicants and 6 months prior to the deadline for international students. However, EARLY SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION MATERIALS IS NOT REQUIRED BUT IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. Applications received up to and including December 15th will be reviewed.

Contact Information

Applicants are also strongly encouraged to contact the I/O Admission Coordinator with questions regarding the applicant evaluation and selection process. Choosing which graduate program to apply to is a very important decision. Dr. Snell is happy to provide potential applicants with any information that may help guide this decision.

Andrea Snell, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
(330) 972-6711 (

International Students

You will need to complete the supplemental form for international students available on the “Apply Yourself” system. International students are required to contact the Office of International Programs at:

Office of International Programs 
Simmons Hall, suite 205
Akron, OH 44325
phone: (330) 972-6349

If you are a non-native English-speaker, you should provide a score on the TOEFL. This may be considered as a replacement for a GRE verbal score. Admission to the I/O program is determined by the I/O faculty. However, in order for international applicants who are accepted into the program to enroll for classes and be assigned to assistantships, these students must register with the Office of International Programs. International students are also strongly encouraged to contact Dr. Andrea Snell to ensure that the I/O program Psychology Admissions Committee has received the necessary documentation.