Answers to your questions

What is studio class?

You meet weekly with your instructor and fellow students.

Performances and discussion takes place here.

How do I schedule a recital?

- Make sure you are enrolled in the correct section of your applied lesson.  Please check with your teacher.

  • If you are giving a senior or graduate recital, please be sure to enroll for the course on My Akron.  You will need permission to enroll from your instructor.
    • Senior Recitals:  MUSIC:457:xxx (by applied area)
    • Graduate Recitals:  MUSIC:698:001
  • If you are giving a junior recital, you do not need to sign up for a course on My Akron. 

-Pick a date that gives you enough time to prepare and for which your instructor and accompanist are available.

- Schedule an accompanist.

- Request the date (student recitals may be requested beginning the first day of Fall Semester).

  1. Make sure your date is available.  For a read-only view of the Recital Hall schedule, click here.  
  2. Open a new browser window and access the UA Degree and Non-Degree Recital Request Form.
  3. Please complete all sections, and make sure your email address is accurate.  Click "submit."
  4. You will receive an email receipt that confirms your request. 
  • Your date is not approved yet!  Make sure you request approvals from your instructor, area chair, and accompanist.  Approval emails may be sent to   
  • Pay recital fees online!  $50 recital fee or $100 recital fee (if using a UA accompanist) may be paid online here.  
  • For 2024-2024 school year:  Recital times are Monday-Friday, 7:30 p.m., and Saturday/Sunday 1:00, 3:00, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m.
  • You may not reserve the recital hall for a rehearsal during a designated recital time.

- Once all approvals and recital fees are paid, your recital date is confirmed.  You will receive an email and your recital date will appear on the School of Music concert calendar.  

  • Make sure you schedule rehearsal time in the Recital Hall by accessing the Guzzetta Hall Room Request Form.  Select "rehearsal." It is not necessary to schedule rehearsals along with the recitals, but wise to schedule as soon as possible.  Dates fill up quickly.   
    • Non-degree recitals - one hour in Hall
    • Junior recitals - two hours in Hall
    • Senior and graduate recitals - three hours in Hall. 
  • If your recital is not confirmed within 14 days of the request by collecting all signatures and paying your fee, it is “denied” and you need to start the procedure over.

Remember - you need to pass a recital hearing three weeks ahead of your recital. Please see your applied instructor for details. 

- Cancellations: 

  1. If you cancel your recital, your deposit will not be refunded.  You need to start the procedure over. 
  2. If your applied instructor says you are not ready to give your recital and they cancel your recital, your deposit will not be refunded.  You need to start over. 
  3. If your applied instructor cancels your recital because they have a conflict or in case of emergency, your deposit will be refunded on a case-by-case basis. 

- Questions/Information:

If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Bailey at

What is Performance Tracker?

Performance Tracker keeps track of your recital, performance, and concert attendance.

This fulfills your student recital requirements for Performance Seminar: MUSIC:157:001

Performance Tracker Semester Requirements

20 per semester.  No "paying forward," no "paying backward."

See Performance Tracker Procedure for details.   

How do I get a practice room key?

1) You must be taking classes through the School of Music (Not Exploring Music: Bach to Rock) to order a practice room key.

2) Pay the $20 key deposit here:

Your key will be ordered as soon as your deposit is paid.  Please allow up to two weeks for your key to be ready.

3) When your key is ready, you will receive an email from Locking Systems.  Go to the UA Police Station Dispatcher with your Zip Card for identification and sign the key card to receive your key.

4) Your practice module key is yours to keep while you are a School of Music student.  If you lose your key, you will need to pay $20 for a new one.  Do not lend your key.

5) When you complete your studies or leave the university, you must return your key. Take your key back to UAPD and get a receipt of return.  Send an email of that receipt to Sheri Simone at  Sheri will process your refund.


• Practice modules are for School of Music students only.  No private teaching is permitted on campus.  

• No food allowed in the practice rooms. No liquids allowed on the pianos whatsoever.  

• Keep all four piano legs on the floor.  Please do not move benches from the modules. 

• Report any practice module issues to