Akron Law news archive


Nov. 5
Professors Wilson Huhn and Stefan Padfield participated in a panel that examined the role corporations played in Tuesday's election. Coverage is available on Channel 12 in West Virginia here .
Nov. 2
Professor Bill Rich is quoted in a WAKR-AM story on Akron charter amendments on the ballot today. Electronic text is not available.
Bar Exam Success! Akron Law #1 in Ohio for First-time Takers
This morning, the Ohio Supreme Court released the results of the July 2010 Ohio Bar Examination. 94 percent of Akron Law's first-time takers passed the exam, placing them first in the state. The state pass rate was 88 percent. When repeat takers are included, our graduates ranked third, with a pass rate of 87 percent, above the state-wide rate of 84 percent.
Oct. 29
Akron Law student Raeed Tayeh wrote an editorial commentary on the fear of Muslims that is available in the Akron Beacon Journal that is available here .
Career Planning and Placement Office Launches Law Clerk for Hire Database
The Law Clerk for Hire Database, or “LC4H” as it has become known, is the brainchild of Barbara Weinzierl, Director of Career Planning and Placement. The idea for LC4H came to Barbara after attending a meeting of the Akron Bar Association Small and Solo Practitioners Section. At that meeting, Barbara learned that many small law firms and solo practitioners may need law clerk help, but that the need went unfilled for a variety of reasons, including cost and lack of time to devote to hiring. Specifically, many small firms and solo practitioners do not have a need for a ”permanent” law clerk but might need help for projects on a case-by-case, hourly basis. Section Chairs Diana Colavecchio (’89), Susan Durr (’83), and Lynne Earhart (’07) agreed with Barbara that if Akron Law and its students could meet this need, it would be a great resource for the Akron legal community.
Oct. 22
An Amicus Brief filed by the Akron Law IP Center in the en banc Therasense case was mentioned in an article in the BNA Patent, Trademark and Copyright Journal. Electronic text is not available.
Oct. 19
Akron Legal News ran a preview story about the upcoming Ronald Rotunda Lecture. Electronic text is not available.
Akron Law Students Have Strong Showing at Landskroner Competition
On Oct. 14, 2010, The Landskroner Foundation for Children hosted its 12th Annual Law Student Closing Argument Competition in the courtroom of the Honorable Michael Donnelly at the Cuyahoga County Justice Center. The twelve students participating in the event were selected from a pool of applicants from law schools across the state of Ohio. The participants included second-and third-year law students from The University of Akron, Cleveland State University, and Case Western Reserve University School of Law.
Oct. 18
Law student Matthew Lewis is a candidate for the 33rd Senate District. This Youngstown Vindicator story is available here .
Delegation from India and Bhutan Visit the Miller-Becker Center for Professional Responsibility
A delegation of visitors from India and Bhutan met on Monday, Sept.27 with Director Frank Quirk and Faculty Director John Sahl of the Joseph G. Miller and William C. Becker Center for Professional Responsibility of The University of Akron School of Law. The members of the delegation are in high-level government positions in their respective countries.

Total results: 636