Faculty Senate Committees for 2024-2025 Academic Year

Terms Indicated are for committee terms only

*indicates Faculty Senate senator

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BOLD indicates chair of committee

Executive Committee

Appoints members to appropriate faculty senate committees.  Prepares the agenda for each meeting.  Serves as an advisory committee to the senior vice president and provost on governance matters affecting the academic mission of the university.  Ensures that the business of permanent and ad hoc committees is completed in a timely fashion.  Brings matters to the senate or assign matters to committees.  Considers any questions and complaints regarding elections of members to the senate and makes recommendations concerning these complaints to the senate.  Verifies the validity of all senate elections.  When necessary, acts on behalf of the senate during the period between the end of the spring semester and the beginning for the fall semester.  Acts on behalf of the senate to approve the degree candidate lists for the fall and spring semesters.

Email Discussion List

Name Department Email Phone Ext.
Kathryn Budd - Chair 25* Art kbudd@uakron.edu 8208
Dana Cole - Vice Chair 25* Law dkc@uakron.edu 2901
Angela Hartsock -Secretary-26* Biology ahartsock1@uakron.edu 8795
Stephanie Davis-Dieringer - 25* Exercise Science sad@uakron.edu 7473
Joel Duff - 2026* Biology rjduff@uakron.edu 6077
Mahesh Srinivasan - 26* Management ms128@uakron.edu 5440
Stacia Biddle - 25* Allied Health stacia@uakron.edu 7906

Academic Investment Committee 

Reviews and makes recommendations on the criteria to be used by the administration in its development of the yearly academic budget.  Engages with the executive vice president and provost, office of academic affairs and other relevant stakeholders throughout the process of academic budget development.  Reviews recommendations made by the executve vice president and provost for academic investment.  Reports on the process and final recommendations for academic investment to the faculty senate for review and discussion.

Email Discussion List

Name Department Email Phone Ext.
Ali Dhinojwala - 25 Polymer Science ali4@uakron.edu
Pat Gaughan - 25 Law pgaughan@uakron.edu
Travis Hreno* - 25 Philosophy th34@uakron.edu
Lynne Pachnowski* - 24 Education lmp@uakron.edu
Varunee (Fi) Sangganjanavanich - 25 Counseling vfs@uakron.edu
Linda Shanks - 25 Nursing shanks@uakron.edu
Mahesh Srinivasan* - 25 - Chair Management ms128@uakron.edu
Chrys Wesdemiotis - 25 Chemistry wesdemiotis@uakron.edu
Craig Wise - 25 Civil Eng cw47@uakron.edu 6858
Jun Ye - 25 Statistics jye1@uakron.edu

Academic Policies Committee

Recommends and interprets academic policy on university-wide matters such as admission, retention, graduation, and dismissal requirements, etc.  Recommends changes for the improvement of the academic program of the university.  Makes recommendation for the reorganization or renaming of academic units.  

Email Discussion List

Name Department Email Phone Ext.
David Bird - ex officio Registrar dab32@uakron.edu 6432
Joan Carletta - 26 Col of Eng & Pol Sci carlett@uakron.edu
Katie Cerrone - 25 Math kc24@uakron.edu 8809
Sujay Datta - 25* Statistics sd83@uakron.edu 6886
Melissa Dreisbach - 26* Sport Science & Well mdk24@uakron.edu 2341
Siamak Farhad - 27* Mechanical Eng sfarhad@uakron.edu 7469
Misty Franklin - 25 School of Law misty@uakron.edu 6456
John Goodell - 26* Finance johngoo@uakron.edu 5361
Ali Hajjafar - 25* Retiree hajjafar@uakron.edu
Travis Hreno - 26* Philosophy th34@uakron.edu 8031
Janet Klein - 27* History klein@uakron.edu 2562
Tianbo Liu - 26 Col of Eng & Pol Sci tliu@uakron.edu 3496
Joe Li Vecchi - 27 Philosophy jplivec@uakron.edu 5505
Sergei Lyuksyutov - 26* Physics sfl@uakron.edu 8356
Joseph Minocchi - 26 Academic Advising jminocchi@uakron.edu 5865
Ben Rochester - 26* Advising rochest@uakron.edu 6092
Pamela Schulze - 26* SWFS schulze@uakron.edu
Linda Shanks - 26 Nursing shanks@uakron.edu 6699
David Szalay - 27* Art dms@uakron.edu 8202
Ge Christie Zhang - 27* Biomedical Eng ge10@uakron.edu 5237

Accessibility Committee

Reviews and recommends policies regarding disability and accessibility issues that relate to the academic function of the university, including academic policies which apply to faculty or students, and reports these to the senate for action.

Email Discussion List

Name Department Email Phone Ext.
Ala Abbas - 26 Civil Engineering abbas@uakron.edu 8242
Marilia Antunez - 25 co-chair Univ Libraries mantunez@uakron.edu 6262
Kim Bass - 27 Speech Lang & Path kmb152@uakron.edu 8187
Sara Rieder Bennett - 26 Counseling & Testing Ctr slr45@uakron.edu 7082
Shawn Bixler - ex officio Office of Accessibility sbixler@uakron.edu 7928
Danyelle Conner - 26 Human Resources dconner@uakron.edu 4733
Jake Darus - ex officio Office of Accessibility jdarus@uakron.edu 5019
Cathy Faye - 26 Cummings Center cfaye@uakron.edu 6096
Lisa Foster - 27 Nursing ljf11@uakron.edu 8156
Gregory Harris - 26 co-chair UL Technical Services gmh26@uakron.edu  5112
Patrick Tabatcher - 26 Design and Development pmt1@uakron.edu 2432
Ingrid Weigold - 27 Psychology weigold@uakron.edu 7557

Athletics Committee

Advises faculty senate on all university activities relating to intercollegiate athletics including, but not limited to, conference affiliations and the national collegiate athletic association. Coordinates with other faculty senate committees matters of joint concern relating to intercollegiate athletics. Provides advice and counsel to the director of athletics concerning individual player eligibility, interpretation of policy, and other matters relating to the athletic program.

Email Discussion List

Name Department Email Phone Ext.

Stacey Buser - 25

Exercise Science & Nutrition buser@uakron.edu 7475

Devon Carter - 26

Education dcarter1@uakron.edu

Dominic Cardarelli - 26

EJ Thomas PAH dc21@uakron.edu

Jeffrey Franks - 27*

Univ Libraries jfranks@uakron.edu 6052
Marc Haas - 27 Respiratory Therapy marc10@uakron.edu 8650
Lauren Houser - 25 Marketing lhouser@uakron.edu 8839
Matthew Juravich - ex officio Sports Science & Well Educ mjuravich@uakron.edu 2308
Galen Karriker - 26 Music gsk1@uakron.edu 6180
Greg Landis - 26 Office of Admissions glandis@uakron.edu
Willy Kollman - 26 Office of Alumni Relations wrk1@uakron.edu 2575
Ronald Otterstetter - 26 Sports Science ro5@uakron.edu 7738
Rolando Ramirez - 26 Biology rjr@uakron.edu 2753
Benjamin Rochester - 26* Academic Advising rochest@uakron.edu 6092

Computing & Communications Technologies Committee

Provides recommendations to the senate on policy matters concerning utilization of information technology and resources related to academic systems, computing data, and voice communication. Provides advice and counsel to the vice president and chief information officer concerning guidelines on electronic information acquisition, budget, processing, policies, and other matters affecting academic areas.

Email Discussion List

Name Department Email Phone Ext.
Mehmet Baysal - 26 Mechanical Engineering mmbaysal@uakron.edu 5859
Sheau-Huey Chiu - 26 co-chair Nursing schiu@uakron.edu 7563
John Corby - ex-officio Information Tech Services jcorby@uakron.edu 7345
Yue Dang - 25 Counseling yd13@uakron.edu 7118
Stephen Kaufman - 27 Online Services skaufman@uakron.edu 6874
Pei-Yang Liu - 25 co-chair Nutrition and Dietetics liu4@uakron.edu 8842
Jamie Newhall - 26 Online Learning Services jnewhal@uakron.edu 8290
Alex Povitsky - 25 Mechanical Engineering alex14@uakron.edu 2685
Paul Schreuders - 26 Chem, Biomed & Corr Eng pschreuders@uakron.edu 2801
Robert Shultz - 25 Information Tech Services rds@uakron.edu 8271
I-Chun Tsai - 27* Educ Foundations tsai1@uakron.edu 6774
Yang Yun - 27* Biomedical Eng yy@uakron.edu 6619

Curriculum Review Committee

Reviews curricula and course recommendations of the several colleges and divisions and, when necessary, submits them to faculty senate for action. Considers the mechanics of the academic programs of the several colleges and divisions, such as adjustments in admission, retention and dismissal requirements, and changes in general bulletin descriptions. Reviews course changes, proposals, and new programs and recommends such changes and revisions for inclusion in the general bulletin.

Email Discussion List

Name Department Email Phone Ext.
Andrew Bonecutter - ex officio Registrar  ajb40@uakron.edu 6090
Katie Cerrone - ex officio Math kc24@uakron.edu 8809
Malik Elbuluk - 25* Elec & Computer Eng melbuluk@uakron.edu 6531
Jennifer Hebert - ex officio English jgh2@uakron.edu 7605
Steven Jacobson - ex officio Registrar  sjj@uakron.edu 7877
Michele Jenson - ex officio Registrar ma10@uakron.edu 8170
Kris Kraft - co-chair 25 Allied Health knk@uakron.edu 6516
Michelle Jenson - ex officeio Registrar ma10@uakron.edu 8170
Joe Minocchi - ex officio Director, Academic Advising jminocchi@uakron.edu
Linda Saliga - co-chair 25* Mathematics saliga@uakron.edu 8002
Eric Smith - 27 Allied Health ecs23@uakron.edu 5073
I-Chun Tsai - 25* Educ Fnd & Learning tsai1@uakron.edu 6774
Lia Wiley - 26 Sociology lmc73@uakron.edu 7951
JiaJia Veronica Xu - 27 Finance jxu1@uakron.edu 7302

Faculty Research Committee

Reviews research proposals submitted by faculty members. Recommends the budgeting of sums of the university's support of faculty research proposals to be funded by this committee. Establishes policies for funding proposals and guidelines for expenditures of those funded.

Email Discussion List

Name Department Email Phone Ext.
Wondimu Ahmed - 26 Education wahmed@uakron.edu 6771
Frederik Beuk - 26 Marketing beuk@uakron.edu 7903
Kelly Bialek - 26 Polymer Science kelly.bialek@uakron.edu 6153
Stacia Biddle - 26* School of Allied Health  stacia@uakon.edu 7906
Alex Boika - 26 Chemistry aboika@uakron.edu 6183
Alper Buldum - 27 Mechanical Engineering buldum@uakron.edu 8087
Jae-Won Choi - 26 Mechanical Engineering jchoi1@uakron.edu 5276
Sujay Datta - 26* Statistics sd85@uakron.edu 6886
Federico de Gregorio - 26 Marketing degrego@uakron.edu 7024
James Diefendorff - 25 Psychology jdiefen@uakron.edu 7317
Gary Holliday - 25 Curr & Inst Studies gh30@uakron.edu 7437
Rhiannon Kallis - 27 Communication rkallis@uakron.edu 5743
Erin Makarius - 23 Management makarius@uakron.edu 7705
Gina Martino - 24 History gmartinotrutor@uakron.edu 7712
Kendall Martis - 26 UARF kmm297@uakron.edu 8054
Timothy Matney - 26 Anthropology matney@uakron.edu 6892
Kevin Moseby - 27 Sociology kmoseby@uakron.edu 5083
Hillary Nunn - 27 English nunn@uakron.edu 7601
Jeffrey Pellegrino- 26* Schl of Disaster Sci & Em Svs jpellegrino@uakron.edu 8015
John Senko - 26 Geosciences senko@uakron.edu 8047
Mary Triece - 26* Communication mtriece@uakron.edu 6222

Faculty Rights & Responsibilities

This committee shall concern itself with grievances relating to faculty assessment or evaluation, appointment, retention, tenure, and promotion.  This committee shall be composed of one member from the tenured faculty of each degree-granting college, elected by its full-time faculty and one full-time faculty member from the university libraries, elected by its full-time faculty.

Email Discussion List

Name College Email Phone Ext.
Wei (Grace) Zhang -  BCAS wz23@uakron.edu 8208
Federico de Gregorio -  COB degrego@uakron.edu 7549
 -  CHHS slg@uakron.edu 7885
Brant Lee -  LAW btlee@uakron.edu 6752
Marilia Antunez - LIBRARY mantunez@uakron.edu 2318
Malik Elbuluk -  CEPS elbuluk@uakron.edu 5203
Paul Weinstein - WAYNE pbweinstein@uakron.edu 8715

General Education Advisory Committee (CRC subcommittee)

GEAC shall be responsible for reviewing curriculum change proposals that affect general education requirements. 

Email Discussion List

Name Department Email Phone Ext.
Janet Bean - 26 English jbean@uakron.edu 6354
Frederick Beuk - 25 Marketing beuk@uakron.edu 7903
Stacia Biddle - 26* Allied Health stacia@uakron.edu 7906
Toni Bisconti - 26* Psychology tb33@uakron.edu 5852
Wesley Carpenter - 27* Mechanical Eng wac1@uakron.edu 7889
Katie Cerrone - 26 Math kc24@uakron.edu 8809
Trish Connelly - 27 Anthropology connelly@uakron.edu 7138
Elisha Dumser - 26 Art edumser@uakron.edu 8063
Jennifer Hebert - 26 English jgh2@uakron.edu 7605
Bonnie Keiper - 27 Communications bje@uakron.edu 8413
Stephanie Kiba - 26 Academic Path sak16@uakron.edu 5630
Michael Monaco - 26 Univ Libraries mmonaco@uakron.edu 2446
Scott Sawyer - 26 Engineering ssawyer@uakron.edu 8543
Eric Sotnak - 26 Philosophy sotnak@uakron.edu 5501
Katie Stoynoff - 26 English cf@uakron.edu 7480
Martin Wainwright - 26 History mwainwright@uakron.edu 6512
Lia Wiley - 25 Sociology lmc73@uakron.edu 7951

Part-time Faculty Committee

Email Discussion List

Name Department Email Phone Ext.
Marilia Antunez - 27 University Libraries mantunez@uakron.edu 6262
Kathryn Budd - 25* Art kbudd@uakron.edu 8208
Marie Cobb - 25 Nursing mbcobb@uakron.edu 6674
Stephanie Davis-Dieringer - 27* Exercise Sci & Nutrition Sci sad@uakron.edu 7473
Doug Hausknecht - 25 Bus Tech - Wayne hauskne@uakron.edu 8700
Douglas Hubert - 26 CISS hubert@uakron.edu 2494
Kiirsi Maunula Johnson - 26 Music kmaunulajohnson@uakron.edu 6625
Harvey Sterns - 25* Inst for Life-Span Dev & Ger sternsh@uakron.edu 6724
Robert Williams - 26 Sociology rwilliams@uakron.edu
Veronica Xu - 27 Finance jxu1@uakron.edu 7302

Program Review Committee

Reviews the self-studies submitted by program faculty, providing formative assessment to the program faculty. Establishes the template and guidelines for the program review self-studies and modifies the timeline for the program review process and the program review schedule as needed. The dean of the graduate school or said person's designee shall be an ex-officio member of the program review committee.

Email Discussion List

Name College Email Phone Ext.
Julie Cajigas - co-chair - 26 Communications julieca@uakron.edu 6914
Joelle Elicker - 26 Psychology joelle@uakron.edu 5907
Marc Haas - 27 Respiratory Therapy marc10@uakron.edu 8650
Jennifer Hebert - ex officio, co-chair Assessment jgh2@uakron.edu 6062
Jutta Luettmer-Strathmann - 25 co-chair Arts & Sciences jutta@uakron.edu 8029
Rene Molenaur - 26 Online Learning Svcs rtb14@uakron.edu 6116
Scott Palasik - 25 Health & Human Sci spalasik@uakron.edu 8185
Ling Qian - 26 Online Learning Svcs lqian@uakron.edu 6381
Marnie Saunders -25 Graduate School mms129@uakron.edu 6590
Linda Shanks - 25 Health & Human Sci shanks@uakron.edu 6699
Shengyong Wang - 25 Engineering wangs@uakron.edu 8616
Jun Ye - 26 Statistics jye1@uakron.edu 6886

University Libraries Committee

Serves as an advisory group to the dean of university libraries to express the faculty will in the growth and development of the academic support which the libraries supply. Provides the dean of university libraries with guidelines and advice on acquisitions, budget, policy, and other matters affecting academic areas.

Email Discussion List

Name Department Email Phone Ext.
Aimee DeChambeau (ex officio) Univ Libraries daimee@uakron.edu 7488
Michael Graham - 26 History mfg@uakron.edu 7826
Angela Hartsock - 26* Biology - Wayne ahartsock1@uakron.edu 8795
Travis Hreno - 25* Philosophy th34@uakron.edu 8031
Jodi Kearns - 27 Cummings Center jkearns@uakron.edu 7952
Jennifer Lillard - 27 Eng Sci Tech jlillard@uakron.edu 5349
Jon Miller - 25 English mjon@uakron.edu 5717
David Szalay - 26* Art dms@uakron.edu 8202

ad hoc Interdisciplinary Committee

Recommends policy to facilitate university-wide interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary activities to faculty senate. Makes a recommendation on the necessity of a standing Interdisciplinary Committee to faculty senate. One non-voting ex officio committee member is designated by the Provost.

Email Discussion List

Name Department Email Phone Ext.
Diane Brown - 25 Nursing dbrown1@uakron.edu Phone1
Melissa Dreisbach -25 Exercise Science mdk24@uakron.edu
Jennifer Hebert - 25 English jgh2@uakron.edu
Gary Holliday - 25 Science Education gh30@uakron.edu
Matt Juravich - 25 Management mjuravich@uakron.edu
Christin Seher - 25 Exercise & Nutrition Science cld37@uakron.edu
John Senko - 25 Geosciences senko@uakron.edu
Jennifer Stanley - 25 Psychology jstanley@uakron.edu