Dr. Gary Holliday

Gary M. Holliday Ph.D.

Director/ Professor Curricular & Instructional Studies
LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education (Middle Level and AYA Science)

Dissertations Directed

  • Chair, Jennifer Groman, Dissertation Title: From calling to crisis: The growth process of teacher through crisis-like incidents. (June, 2015).
  • Co-Chair, Amy R. Owens-Hartman, Dissertation Title: A case study of technology choices by high school students. (December, 2015).
  • Chair, Jennifer Warren, Dissertation Title: Diversity in dietetics matters: Experiences of minority female registered dietitians in their route to practice. (May, 2017).
  • Chair, Huda Bajamal, Dissertation Title: Saudi third culture kids: A phenomenological case study of Saudis’ acculturation in a northeast Ohio elementary school. (May, 2017).