Dr. Gwyneth Price

Dr. Gwyneth Price

Title: Senior Vice Provost, Interim Dean of the Graduate School
Dept/Program: Office of Academic Affairs
Office: Buchtel Hall Room 108
Email: gprice@uakron.edu


Price’s work encompasses a variety of aspects of academic and faculty affairs including working directly with the deans and faculty to launch initiatives and resolve problems. Her portfolio encompasses facilitating the work of the several divisions on campus including Online Services, Distance Education, the Institute for Teaching & Learning and University-wide Assessment. Included in this work are efforts in maintaining Higher Learning Commission accreditation, monitoring of curriculum development, participating in shared governance and working on OAA initiatives. Most importantly, Price is integral to facilitating the launch of innovative academic programming intended to move UA forward in a positive direction toward more fully serving a robust student population.

Price came to UA from the PA State System of Education where she spent 13 years as a faculty member and administrator. Beginning her higher education career at Edinboro University as a professor in Middle and Secondary Education, she then moved to Clarion University as the director of the School of Education, steadily taking on more responsibility until becoming dean of Education, Health & Human Services. Price also became a leading advocate for teacher preparation in the state when elected as president of The Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators (PAC-TE), the largest related organization in the state, and maintains that focus on excellence in teaching in all of her professional activities. Upon leaving to come to Ohio, she held the position of dean of Education and associate provost for PennWest University, an integrated institution encompassing the three distinct campuses of Edinboro, Clarion and California of PA.


Price earned her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and teacher certification at Bucknell University and her Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy, both in Educational Psychology, from The Pennsylvania State University.