Heather Walter, Ph.D.

Heather Walter, Ph.D.

Title: Associate Dean for Student Success & Professor
Dept/Program: School of Communication, Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 330-972-6486
Email: HLWalter@uakron.edu


Dr. Walter conducts research and teaches in the areas of organizational communication and conflict resolution. Dr. Walter is the recipient of the 2013 OCA Distinguished Teacher Award and the author of many academic articles, book chapters, and edited books.   Among her publications is a textbook titled Casing Conflict Communication available in January 2022. 


Research in organizational communication, conflict management, health communication, also have done a bit of research in a variety of topic areas as the data analysis specialist on a team of researchers.


Ph.D., Organizational Communication, State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, 1999
M.A., Organizational Communication, SUNY at Buffalo, 1995
B.A., Communication, SUNY at Buffalo, 1992


Organizational Communication, Communication & Conflict, Analyzing Organizational Communication, Small Group Communication, Communication Research, Mixed Methods in Communication Research, Interpersonal Communication, Interviewing, Public Speaking