Master's of Education in Curriculum and Instruction
The LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education's Master's of Education in Curriculum and Instruction is intended for K-12 teachers or others in training-related careers seeking a graduate degree in education studies. The program engages young education professional in critical analysis of the foundations of and trends in curriculum, teaching, and assessment.
The program is a 30 credit hour program that provides a great deal of flexibility. One-half of the program consists of foundation courses in Curriculum and Instruction. The other half of the program (15 hours) consist of a set of elective courses that can be chosen in order to deepen knowledge within a specific area of content or teaching area. The capstone project is a personal quality improvement project intended to deeply and systemically design an investigation to improve the candidate's practice.
Prospective students should apply to the Master's of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction graduate program through the University of Akron Graduate School application. An undergraduate GPA of 2.75 or other demonstration of the ability to successfully complete graduate studies is required for admission.
Program Description:
Curriculum and Instruction Foundations:
- EDCI 600 Concepts of Curriculum (3) (SUM)
- EDFN 624 Seminar in Educational Psychology (3) (FALL)
- EDCI 605 Trends and Issues in Curriculum and Instruction (3) (or a C&I substitution) (SPR)
- EDCI 690 Educational Inquiry I (FALL)
- EDCI 691 Educational Inquiry II (SPR)
Students may select elective courses (15 credit hours or more) that can lead to a teaching endorsement on their state teaching license or to apply towards CCP (college credit plus) qualifications. Students may also select courses in other curriculum and instruction focus areas in consultation with their faculty advisor. Possible areas may include:
CCP (College Credit Plus):
Educators who hold a 7-12 teaching license in a related content area can fill the area of concentration of the Master's of Arts program with graduate courses offered by our colleagues across the college. The following is a list of established CCP programs:
Educators who hold a teaching license may apply for endorsements. Endorsements can be added to an existing Ohio teaching license after completing required credits and passing the affiliated OAE assessment. Endorsement courses can be used to fulfill the elective portion of the Master's in Curriculum and Instruction. Our endorsement programs:
- Computer Technology Endorsement (online)
- TESOL Endorsement (online)
- Early Childhood Generalist (Gr 4/5) Endorsement
- Reading Endorsement (online)
- Computer Science Endorsement (hybrid)
Total Credit Hours: 30
Please direct any questions about the program to the Graduate Coordinator of the School of Education: Dr. Lynne Pachnowski